Sunday, December 8, 2024
BusinessToyota and Electreon Sign an Agreement to Develop Wireless Charging Technology

Toyota and Electreon Sign an Agreement to Develop Wireless Charging Technology

Electreon has come to an agreement to jointly develop an advanced wireless vehicle kit i.e vehicle receiver based on Electreon‘s existing technology and knowledge with TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION and DENSO CORPORATION. The agreement follows a successful comprehensive technology evaluation conducted at Electreon’s headquarters in Beit Yanai, Israel in which technical teams from TOYOTA and DENSO participated. A demonstration of the RAV4-PHEV charging on the wireless road was held at the conclusion of the evaluation.

The parties intend to promote technical development and adoption of wireless charging technology through the following joint activities: co-development of an aftermarket wireless kit for current electrified vehicles to utilize wireless charging technology today; integration of the wireless technology into new cars released to the market; collaboration to shape the standardization of wireless EV charging; collaboratively promote a joint pilot project in Japan, the U.S. or the EU, including commercial proof of business.

To achieve a carbon-neutral society, TOYOTA will provide solutions and options to as many customers around the world as possible. TOYOTA has hopes that dynamic wireless charging technology will serve as one of the solutions that will solve the issues related to electrified vehicles. It may not only eliminate the hassle of charging practice but also can help to reduce the battery size required in an EV or extend relative driving range. This technology may also help to distribute power demand more evenly, reducing the load on the grid and making it easier to incorporate renewable energy sources.

Within the next few months, the Parties will execute a detailed joint development agreement for all the joint activities mentioned above.

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