An Internet-of-Things-enabled, real-time object detection system developed by researchers could make autonomous vehicles more reliable and safer
Incheon National University
Self-driving cars, or autonomous vehicles, have...
Engineers working on “analog deep learning” have found a way to propel protons through solids at unprecedented speeds.
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Neural-Fly technology could one day build the future of package delivery drones and flying cars.
California Institute of Technology
To be truly useful, drones—that is, autonomous...
Deep learning makes visual terrain-relative navigation more practical
California Institute of Technology
Without GPS, autonomous systems get lost easily. Now a new algorithm developed at Caltech...
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University; Luca Arnaboldi, University of Edinburgh, and Matthew Daggitt, Heriot-Watt University
Robotic vehicles have been used in dangerous environments for decades, from...
Artificial intelligence (AI) can become more efficient and reliable if it is made to mimic biological models; new approaches in AI research are hugely...